Programme Infographics Related FilesMental Health Assessment rooms audit posterFormat:PDF|File Size:1.03MB Integrated Care - SCAN serviceFormat:PDF|File Size:578KB PRISM Policy BriefFormat:PDF|File Size:1.01MB HSE Self Harm A3 FinalFormat:PDF|File Size:202KB Profile of ED attendees SI DSH infographicFormat:PDF|File Size:181KB Traveller SI DSH infographicFormat:PDF|File Size:267KB Patterns of Hospital Presenting Suicide-Related Ideation in Adults Aged 60+ before and during COVID-19Format:PDF|File Size:100KB NCPSHI - Look back at 2023 - ebookletFormat:PDF|File Size:2.94MB In this section Model of Care SCAN Emergency Departments Programme Infographics Clinical Programme Contacts Research and Audit