Delayed Transfer of Care for Neuro-Rehab Patients in Acute Hospitals (PDF, size 2.6 MB, 65 pages) This project was commissioned by the National Clinical Programme for Rehabilitation Medicine and explored delayed transfers of care (DTOC) for patients in acute hospitals awaiting access to neuro-rehabilitation in 2019. This audit demonstrates challenges in accessing neuro-rehabilitation and advocates for specialist neuro-rehabilitation services to be developed nationally, as a means to improving quality of care, patient experience and operational flow through the entire health system.
At the request of the Clinical Lead for the NCPRM and the Programme Manager for the Spinal Cord System of Care Programme in the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH), the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) agreed to undertake a Health technology assessment (HTA) on domiciliary invasive ventilation for adults with spinal cord injuries (SCI). This HTA aimed to assess the organisational, budget impact and resource implications associated with, and the social and ethical issues arising from, the provision of care to ventilator-dependent adults with SCI within their own home. The report was published in June 2023.