Evidence Base
A key element of developing any Model of Care, is evaluation of the evidence base. This work is supported by HSE National Library Services.
Evidence base is a term that encompasses many elements:
- Clinical research such as clinical trials or epidemiological studies
- Audit data
- ‘Grey literature’
‘Grey literature’ refers to clinical data that may have been generated but not published. For example, it may have been presented at an academic conference but not published. As it has not been published, it has not been put through a peer review process and so should be interpreted with caution.
In the development of our Model of Care, we will review the evidence base with two initial questions in mind:
- What are the clinical outcomes of medical transition?
- What clinical issues are known to exist in the population that are attending, or who may attend, a Gender Healthcare Service?
Review of the evidence base has begun and is ongoing. Clinical questions may arise as the Working Groups begin to develop the Model of Care. As this work progresses, we will be updating this page with our findings.