National Clinical Director - Message

The Office of the National Clinical Director for Integrated Care (NCD IC) sits within the Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) function of the HSE. As the National Clinical Director, I am responsible for leading on the National Clinical Programmes (NCPs), managed through Clinical Design and Innovation, in addition to numerous other programmes of work that require clinical direction, design or response and engagement. My office also has a key role in responding to emerging clinical priorities with a central focus on safety and quality.

Internationally, it has been shown that clinicians need to be involved in the management of health services to help ensure the patient is at the centre of the high quality of services that we aim to deliver. In the HSE, the CCO function provides this clinical leadership and governance across the HSE. My office brings together clinicians across all professions, specialties and services – i.e. Medical, Nursing & Midwifery and Health and Social Care Professionals, to design and lead on clinical pathways and Models of Care and respond to emergent issues.

In addition to working with staff across all sectors of the HSE, we work with patients and service users, Higher Education Institutions, Colleges, Professional Bodies and Faculties, Advocacy Groups and Patient Organisations, International Experts, Private Health Care Providers, among others, to ensure the design of clinical services is robust and inclusive.

A fundamental priority in designing clinical service delivery is to ensure the services are integrated and that they wrap around the patient or service user with an emphasis on breaking down historic barriers to care and provide an end-to-end service.

To achieve this cross-divisional integrated working, NCPs are grouped together under six National Clinical Advisory Group Leads (NCAGLs). I work closely with each NCAGL to build relationships between the NCAGL areas and other clinical programmes of work. This approach facilitates synergies, improved pathways and quality of care.

Dr. Siobhán Ni Bhriain,

HSE National Clinical Director Integrated Care, Office Chief Clinical Officer.