Feedback Friendly Culture

The HSE endeavours to create an environment which enables Service Users to provide feedback (comments, compliments or complaints). 

A Service User friendly approach to feedback relies on a positive attitude by the organisation towards Service User feedback.

In order to improve the cultural acceptance of feedback the organisation will:

  • show how feedback can be used to drive service improvement
  • demonstrate how feedback can highlight where the service is performing well
  • identify how feedback can be used to improve the patient experience
  • encourage staff to view feedback from a personal perspective, for example, how they would like to be treated if they had to make a complaint.

The HSE has a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach in relation to receiving feedback, this means that all staff are encouraged to accept feedback and assist the Service User.

There are a number of additional processes in place which also assist in enabling Service Users to provide feedback, which can include;

  • Advocacy Services
  • Patient Liaison Services
  • Complaints Officers/Review Officers
  • Public Representatives
  • Parent/Legal Guardian/Family Member/Carer
  • Email: