Community Healthcare Services are the broad range of services that are provided outside of the acute hospital system and includes Primary Care, Social Care, Mental Health and Health & Wellbeing Services.
- Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan and Sligo
- Philip Judge
- Bernadette McManus
- Emma Ball
- Anthony Wadd
- Denise Curran
- Colin McCann
Consumer Services Office Email:
The information above is valid as of the 23/08/2023 and will be next reviewed/updated on the 30/01/2024
- Community Healthcare West
- Seamus Beirne, Primary Care
- Michelle Egan, Primary Care
- Emma Naughton, Primary Care (Galway)
- Paula Whyte, Mental Health / Primary Care (Roscommon)
- Eamon Hannan, Mental Health
- John Canny, Mental Health
- Gerard McCormack, Older People Services
- Miriam McGuinness, Older People Services
- Siobhan O’Sullivan, Older People Services
- Damien Woods, Older People Services
- Pat McHale, Finance
- Dermot Dawson, Finance
- Niall Beatty, Chief Officer's Office
- Denise Healy QSSI
- Adrienne Lynam, Health Promotion & Improvement
- Patricia Dever, Covid Services
- Laurence Gaughan Health & Wellbeing Division
- Pauline Levins, Safeguarding & Protection Team
- Aoife O’Donohue, Disability Services General Manger
- Padraic Carolan, Disability Social Care
- Mary Owens, Disability Social Care.
The information above is valid as of the 19/04/2024 and will be next reviewed/updated on the 01/11/2024.
To request a review of the recommendations made in your complaint outcome under the YSYS Complaints Policy please contact Emma Howley, Service Feedback Manager, CHO2.
Mid West Community Healthcare
- Anna Marie Nagle
- Lorna O'Neill
- Seamus Dilleen
- Fearghal Gray
- Carmel McLaughlin
- Patricia O'Rourke
- Marie O'Flynn
- Ellen Rush
- Sheila Ryan
- Mary O'Malley
- Marie Gleeson
The information above is valid as at 11/10/2024 and will next be updated on 11/04/2025
- Cork Kerry Community Healthcare
- Annette Logan
- Aileen O'Neill
- Angela O'Neill
- Cathal Keohane
- Daniel Flynn
- David Lane
- Denise McShane
- Gabrielle O'Keeffe
- Jackie Daly
- Jennie Synott
- Kathleen O'Mahony
- Lorraine Egan
- Mairead Harrington
- Mari O’Donovan
- Mary G.O'Mahony
- Michael Moriarty
- Miriam Tobin
- Patricia O'Neill
- Priscilla Lynch
- Susanne O'Sullivan
The information above is valid as of 02/02/2024 and will be next reviewed/updated on 02/08/2024
- South East Community Healthcare
To request a review of the recommendations made in your complaint outcome under the YSYS Complaints Policy please contact Anne Canty, Complaints Manger SECH at
- HSE Community Healthcare East
- Patricia McEvoy
- Susan Moy
- Kevin Madigan
- John O’Donovan
- Imelda Halton
- Kristen Murphy
When seeking a review of your complaint please contact the complaints manager at the following email address:
List valid 15.03.2024. Next updated 15.09.2024.
- Dublin South, Kildare and West Wicklow Community Healthcare
- Candice Whitfield
- John Cullen
- Mary McGrath
- Eileen Burke
- Kevin Brady
- Sinead Reynolds
- Ger Peelo
- Karen Heavey
The information above is valid as of 10.12.2024 and will be next reviewed or updated on 10.05.2025.
Any queries in relation to the above information please contact Sarah Walshe, Complaints Manager, DSKWW Community Healthcare. Email:
Community Health Care Midlands, Louth, Meath.
- Wanetta Duff
- Donal Fitzsimons
- Emma Gonoud
- Breege Donoghue
- Martina Lennon
- Claire Donnelly
- Grainne McGill
- Martina Ralph
- Margaret Kelleher
- Mary Gorman
- Mary O’Hare
To request a review of the recommendations made in your complaint outcome under the YSYS Complaints Policy please contact Carmel Lally, Consumer Services Manager,
The information above is valid as of the 26/07/2024 and will be next reviewed/updated on the 25/01/2025.
- Dublin North County and Dublin North City & West
If a service user is not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint they can seek a HSE internal review by contacting the Complaint Manager, Elaine McGuinness at who will assign a Review Officer.
Review Officers in DNCC are:
- AnneMarie Donohue - General Manager Mental Health
- Brian Kirwan - General Manager Social Inclusion
- Patrick Gargan - General Manger Older Persons
- Enda Doody - General Manager Disabilities
- Caroline Gourley - Director of Nursing
- Fiacra McGuirk - General Manager Vaccination Services and Orthodontics
- Reshma KakKattuchalil - Director of Nursing Older Person
- Catriona Manning - Director of Nursing Navan Rd
Alternatively Service Users are also entitled to refer a complaint directly to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use. The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:
Clicking: on the ‘Make a Complaint’ link at
Writing: to Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773
Calling: the Ombudsman on 01 639 5600 if you have any queries.
This information is valid at 31/01/2025 and will be updated on 31/07/2025.