In keeping with the Your Service Your Say Complaint Policy, Community Healthcare East is committed to the timely and effective management of complaints and feedback regarding the services it provides.
How to make a complaint
Complaints concerning any area of service provided through Community Healthcare East can also be made by contacting the relevant complaints officer appointed for the service. The complaints officer will investigate the matter under the ‘Your Service Your Say Policy’ and related legislation.
The names listed are officers appointed with authority to act on complaints. This list is reviewed and updated annually as appointments may be subject to change according to operational requirements.
Service Users are also entitled to refer a complaint directly to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use. You may do this by the following:
Clicking on the ‘Make a Complaint’ link at
Writing to Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773.
Calling the Ombudsman on 01 639 5600 if you have any queries.
If the complaint is in relation to a child under 18yrs you may contact the Ombudsman for Children as follows:
Clicking the following link
Writing to Ombudsman for Children, Mellennium House, First floor, 52-56 Great Strand Street Dublin 1. DO1 F5P8.
Calling the Ombudsman for Children on 01 8656800.
Complaints Officers
List valid 10.12.2024. Next updated 10.05.2025