HSE Capital and Estates Energy Bureau

The Estates Energy Bureau set up in 2018 works in partnership with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

The Bureau is resourced with dedicated energy officers who work with sites to reduce energy usage and progress energy projects through:

  • Energy Management - embedding best practices into the day to day activities of staff
  • Energy Teams - supporting existing, and establishing new, energy awareness teams
  • Behavioural Change - achieving energy reductions though education and behavioural change
  • Project Identification - identifying energy efficiency projects for implementation
  • Project Support - providing project development support and minor capital funding
  • Energy Efficient Design - promoting the Energy Efficient Design of new builds

The Estates Energy Bureau has dedicated Energy Officers working with Significant Energy User sites to

  • establish energy teams
  • create registers of opportunities for energy saving projects
  • project manage energy saving capital works such as LED light replacement, heat pump installations, insulation, window replacement, PV panels
  • promote energy efficiency

Contact your local Estates Energy Officer