Clinical Resources
- Trauma Triage Tool and Trauma Access Protocol (PDF, size 311.2 KB, 7 pages). The Trauma Triage Tool E-learning module for healthcare professionals is available on HSELand
Acute Hospitals
- Trauma Team Definition Document (PDF, size 1 MB, 22 pages)
- Protocol for the Management of Acute Traumatic Brain Injury in Non-Neurosurgical Hospitals (PDF, size 669 KB, 9 pages)
- Management of Major Trauma in Older Adults (PDF, size 3.2 MB, 59 pages)
- Policy on Transfer of Care and Egress of Trauma Patients from Acute Hospitals (PDF, size 445 KB, 19 pages)
- Planned Trauma Care (PDF, size 2.2 MB, 37 pages)
Inter-Hospital Transfers
- Inter hospital Referral (1800-TRAUMA / 1800-872-862) process is a centralised referral system for inter hospital major trauma referrals operated through The National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) of the National Ambulance Service. Trauma Inter-Hospital Referral (1800-TRAUMA) Process
- Rehabilitation Prescription (PDF, size 1.2 MB, 21 pages)
- HSE Rehabilitation Mapping Report (PDF, size 4.2 MB, 102 pages)
- HSE Rehabilitation Mapping Report Summary (PDF, size 2.2 MB, 30 pages)
- National Major Trauma Rehabilitation Group - Centre For Trauma Sciences (
- London Major Trauma System: Management of elderly major trauma patients - Second Edition (
- Overview | Rehabilitation after traumatic injury | Guidance | NICE (