Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

The Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Report (HPSIR) is a monthly report that collates a range of patient safety indicators and is then reviewed by the Senior Accountable Officer at both hospital-level and hospital group-level before publication on the website.

The purpose of the HPSIR is to assure the public that the indicators selected and published in this report are monitored by senior management of both the hospital and hospital group on a monthly basis, as a key component of clinical governance.

The indicators selected are based on the following domains as per the General Scheme of the Patient Safety (Licensing) Bill (2017) Section 39(c): Clinical Activity, Clinical Incidents and Clinical Outcomes. The selected indicators are clinically robust, relevant and have been selected in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders at both a frontline, operational level and at a strategic level.

Further details on the HPSIR, including considerations for context, can be found below.

The publication of the HPSIR satisfies the following key recommendations:

  • Recommendation O.R. 10. HSE Midland Regional Hospital, Portlaoise Perinatal Deaths, Report to the Minister for Health from Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer. 24 February 2014
  • Recommendation No. 6 (6.25). HIQA Report of the Investigation into the Safety, Quality and Standards of Services Provided by the HSE to patients in the Midland Regional Hospital, Portlaoise. 8 May 2015

Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports 2024

Children's Health Ireland

Dublin Midlands Hospital Group

UL Hospitals Group

Ireland East Hospital Group

South/South West Hospital Group

Saolta University Healthcare Group

RCSI Hospital Group

Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports Archive 

2024 Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

2023 Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

2022 Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

2021 Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

2020 Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Reports

2019 Hospital patient Safety Indicator Reports

Hospital Patient Safety Indicator Report: Context 

There are a number of considerations which should be noted for context:

  • The HPSIR collates indicators from a range of data repositories.
  • While all data in the HSPIR is collated and verified in good faith, data from the original source may be updated and not reflected in the HSPIR due to time lags. Therefore, the data repositories, and not the HPSIR, should be considered the accurate source of data.
  • The HPSIR cannot, and should not, be used to compare the performance of hospitals or hospitals groups. Different hospitals specialise in treating patients with different and sometimes much more complex care needs, making comparisons between hospitals ineffective.
  • Like all indicators, the data should be interpreted with caution as there is natural variation between months which is influenced by case complexity.
  • While all hospitals collect a large range of data on an ongoing basis, these indicators have been selected on the basis that they are robust, relevant and underpinned by standardised definitions.
  • The HSPIR should not be considered, nor is aimed to be, a comprehensive overview of patient safety in a hospital or hospital group.

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