Access and Integration Drug Management Programme

The Access and Integration Drug Management Programme (AIDMP) is responsible for:

  1. Enabling and supporting medicine management initiatives in Irish public hospitals
  2. Ensuring the full benefits of the Pharma Industry Framework agreements for hospitals are realised effectively in the best interests of patients and the wider health system
  3. Enabling good systems of internal controls around the design, implementation and maintenance of pharmacy data management
  4. Minimising the on-going workload for key stakeholders associated with medicine management; Regional Health Areas and individual hospital pharmacist leads, medicines suppliers, Access & Integration, Corporate Finance Division; HSE Procurement, Finance, CPU
  5. Initiatives includes developing and publishing national prescribing protocols for COVID and selected other therapeutics, introduction of the Dynamic Purchasing System portal to improve access to HSE publish drug tenders and standardising reports and the reporting cycle on hospital drug expenditure
  6. Working with Corporate Finance Division to fund centrally, a defined list of hospital drugs. This work includes the appropriate financial assurance controls
  7. Provide subject matter expertise on behalf of the National Director Access & Integration on medicines related statutory and non-statutory enquires

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National Drugs Management Scheme:

The National Drugs Management Scheme (NDMS) is a web-based, centralised reimbursement system for a defined list of drugs. These drugs are approved by the HSE Senior Leadership Team. The primary goal is to ensure equitable access for all patients to specified drugs, regardless of their geographical location and to support hospitals in meeting the financial burden of providing these drugs to patients.