National Clinical Programmes - Acute Hospitals Division

AHDThe Acute Hospitals Division is currently overseeing the implementation of extensive hospital reform as part of the wider national health system reform programme. The Office of the National Clinical Advisor and Group Lead provides the clinical guidance and support to this process. It also oversees a number of the HSE’s National Clinical Programmes. The work of the Office is wide-ranging, covering all aspects of acute hospital services, performance and strategic development.

There are 32 National Clinical Programmes of which over 20 currently report to this Office. In 2015 this Office also established a Clinical Programme for Endoscopy.  The programmes are at different stages of development with some programmes developing models of care and others at various stages of implementation of their model of care.  Further information on the National Clinical Programmes may be found here.

Clinical Programmes reporting to the Acute Hospitals Division:

This Office is also involved in a significant number of other initiatives including Activity Based Funding, ED Taskforce, Food and Nutrition, development of Transgender Services, the National Quality Assurance Improvement System, Clinical Prioritisation and Waiting list management.

To date the Office has also worked with Hospital Groups, the National Ambulance Service and clinicians across the system to develop a number of key strategies, integrated models of care and  care pathways including:

  • National Trauma Report
  • Pathway of Care for TAVI
  • High Level Ethics Committee
  • Developing an Acute Floor for Ireland
  • Model of Care for Hereditary Haemochromotosis
  • Model of Care for Therapeutic Phlebotomy
