To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 604 of 25 April 2023, the number of people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties under the care of the Cobh/Glenville and Midleton/Youghal adult mental health teams who have been transferred to continuing care or high-support hostels outside those HSE catchments since June 2021; the number of people in this cohort of service-users within those HSE catchments who have been transferred in the same timeframe to nursing homes, either within those HSE catchments or outside them; the reason that this information was not provided in the response to Parliamentary Question No. 604 of 25 April 2023, given that the respondent could obtain the information with ease by requesting it from the consultant psychiatrists on the two mental health teams under whose care the service-users in questions would have been, and given that similar information on the transfer of East Cork service-users was provided in response to previous Parliamentary Questions, and given its relevance to the broader impact of the decision by the HSE to close the Owenacurra Centre, Midleton, without providing interim residential service provision locally beyond a three-bedroom property that is yet to open; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
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