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Paula delights in her role as Health Care Assistant

2 women sitting at a table in a healthcare setting.

“I go home happy every day knowing that I’ve made somebody’s life a little bit better,” according to Paula Curran, Health Care Assistant (HCA), working in the Day Centre for Older Persons in Clonskeagh Hospital, Dublin. Paula has been in her role for a number of years and really enjoys her work: “On average, on a weekly basis here, we would see between 75 to 80 clients – different people every day. Working as a Health Care Assistant I love making people feel happy. I love being able to do things for them. We work very well as a team here in Clonskeagh.”

Explaining how the Health Care Assistant is a key member of the team, Dr Nichola Boyle, Consultant Geriatrician at Clonskeagh Hospital, notes that “the work of the Health Care Assistant is important in the multidisciplinary care we provide to older people attending the Day Centre here."

"They complement the work that the nursing staff do in terms of the social and emotional support provided to the clients. They provide a link between the community and the centre for the clients. They also complement the rest of the services that are provided by other health care professionals.”

Outlining Paula’s daily routine, Eileen Kilkenny, Clinical Nurse Manager ll, explains that Paula “goes out to meet the clients in the morning.  She will link back in to us if there are any issues – she will tell us if there are any problems with their cognition, or if there’s an issue with a temperature reading. That means we can review the situation from there.” Eileen stresses however, that for the clients’ families, the role of the HCA is “very important. It’s the same person calling to their loved one’s home every week and that is so reassuring for everyone.”

For Maureen Mullen,  a client at the Day Centre, Paula’s role is a vital part of her daily routine: “I love it here – it’s somewhere to go and they are all very nice. Paula’s so good for doing our hair and our nails and she keeps us all going all day.”

Paula says she would encourage anyone thinking of becoming a Health Care Assistant to “go for it."

"I would really strongly advise them to pursue it.  It’s just so good to interact with older people here.  Older people need us and it’s such a rewarding job. I go home happy every day knowing that I’ve made somebody’s life a little bit better. So I would never change what I do and want to keep going for as long as I can.”

Acknowledging the great work done by Paula and the many other Health Care Assistants across the country, Anne Marie Hoey, HSE Chief People Officer noted that “Health Care Assistants constitute 14% of Health Service workforce and work across many sectors."

"They are an integral part of the multidisciplinary team and contribute towards providing patient centred care. I acknowledge the work that has been carried out through the Health Care Assistant project to roll out the recommendations of the Review of Role and Function of Health Care Assistants report."

We have recently reviewed and issued updated job specifications for HCAs.

Watch Paula and the team discuss their working day