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HSE supported Kilkenny writing group launch poetry and prose book

Five people standing indoors, each holding a book titled ‘White Twine and Old Suitcases’.

A creative writing group established under the auspices of the Involvement Centre in Kilkenny - supported by HSE Mental Health Services - has recently launched an anthology of poetry and prose.

Entitled ‘White Twine and Old Suitcases’, the book was launched by Urlingford poet, writer and storyteller, Paddy Doyle. The publication, representing over a year’s work by 60 writers from the Co Kilkenny area, was arranged by the HSE Recovery College South East.

Speaking about the project,  Clare Fitzpatrick, Co-ordinator, Mental Health Engagement and Recovery, HSE South East Community Healthcare, explained that the Involvement Centre in Kilkenny is a “peer-led group, where we offer a warm and welcoming place for people with mental health issues, their families and friends. It’s an informal environment for a cuppa, a chat, a laugh and lots more. The philosophy is recovery focused. We set out to create a positive environment where people can support each other in an informal setting."

“Our creative writing has been a wonderful resource. We kept going through recent pandemic times through online resources and when we subsequently went back to in-person meetings on a regular basis, the idea of putting together what has become ‘White Twine and Old Suitcases’ was discussed. The idea was met with great enthusiasm and so we decided to go ahead. We are very grateful to, and very proud of, all the people who contributed their talents to it. Getting to publication and launch has been a great achievement for everyone in the Involvement Centre.”

The 100-page anthology, which also features inspiring images, was launched in Butler House, Kilkenny with one of the leading figures in the local arts scene, Ger Cody, acting as MC. The gathering was addressed by Michael Murphy, HSE Training and Support Kilkenny (TASK), Mary Woods, Recovery College South East and David Dwyer, Involvement Centre. Special guest in attendance was the outgoing Mayor of Kilkenny, Clr Joe Malone.   

Six of the poems from the anthology were read at the launch by contributors Sé Nicholson, Róisín Sheehy, Bob McLoughlin, Claire Mulcahy, Sean Mansfield and Anne Beck.

The book concludes with the lyrics of a song entitled ‘The Centre’, written by Joe Murray of Bennettsbridge, and dedicated to the Involvement Centre. Joe sang the song at the launch, accompanied by a choir of students from Kilkenny CBS secondary school led by their musical director Mandy Dowling.

The anthology is now available in local bookshops.