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Folklore project engages care centre residents in Enniscorthy

 3 ladies are seated and laughing while a man in a black hoody is knelling before them.


“The residents and staff love to see Michael come in. In between his visits, it’s a topic of conversation – residents try to keep in mind a little phrase or a story to relate or discuss upon the next engagement, according to Mary Fox, Nurse, Activities Co-ordinator at St John’s Community Hospital (SJCH), Enniscorthy, speaking about the ongoing collection of folklore material in Co Wexford that is currently being featured in the activities programme of the residential care centre, involving artist and filmmaker Michael Fortune.

Over the last two decades, Michael’s work has come to national and international attention through his features documenting oral history, place-based recordings, furniture and farm gates from Co Wexford, other parts of Ireland and Newfoundland, Canada. In addition to publications and programmes made with RTÉ, the online archive of (which Michael founded) to date includes over 300 video clips and over 1,500 other recordings.

One of the latest subjects of is Kathleen Fitzpatrick of Courtnacuddy, Co Wexford and a resident at SJCH. Michael’s  most recent activity at SJCH was a shared experience making St Brigid’s crosses with the residents. Kathleen has featured in previous contributions on and the chat on St. Brigid’s Day in SJCH led to her once more coming on screen to share her version of a story on the legend of the Irish saint.

Mary Fox explains that they have a “comprehensive and varied therapeutic and recreational activity programme in SJCH. A cohesive team led by nurse management has valued support from the Friends of St John’s Hospital Committee and a Community Employment Scheme.

“Whether it is art, bingo, music or just in the past fortnight, when there was great excitement when we had a visit from the Wexford Barn Owl Project, it’s all stimulating and helps to foster a happy and engaged atmosphere in what for so many people is their home. We also hosted a Valentine’s Day party recently, where cake, chocolates and roses were much appreciated. That occasion proved an opportunity for Michael Fortune to drop in to confirm details of his next visit.”

Mary continues: “Conscious that was engaging schools in its wonderful work, we were delighted in SJCH last year when a chat with Michael Fortune about coming in led to a visit and then a regular fixture. One cannot underestimate the basic value of enjoying a chat and sharing one’s experience. And of course our activity programme is further enriched by the involvement with”

Director of Nursing Ursula McPhillips adds that St John’s Community Hospital has an “excellent reputation as a care facility and is deeply appreciative of the support it receives from families and the wider community throughout Co Wexford. The involvement with Michael Fortune and the project is a wonderful connection for SJCH to have and that everyone there is looking forward to it being a mutually beneficial aspect of their activities programme.”