5th March 2025
Visitors to the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre on St Valentine’s Day may have noticed an event was happening on the day, where caring for the heart and other services associated with the HSE Integrated Care Programme for Chronic Disease (ICPCD) service for Co Wexford were being showcased.
The Wexford ICPCD service focuses on managing Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Cardiovascular Disease – chronic conditions that affect over one million health service users in Ireland. There was an opportunity on the day in Enniscorthy to meet team members from each specialist area, with a designated information area featuring new initiatives, patient evaluations and feedback and to hear from Integrated Care Consultants and service users. Cardiac health information was also provided to staff and visitors to the Primary Care Centre.
Wexford Chronic Disease Service The Wexford Chronic Disease Service was launched in 2022 with a small team of clinicians and administrative support. Over the past three years, the service has expanded to include specialist teams comprising integrated care consultants, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, podiatrists and a psychologist. The ICPCD’s central hub is located at Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre, with additional satellite clinics in Gorey, New Ross and Wexford. The Cardiology, Respiratory and Diabetes Teams provide care for low-risk patients suitable for community-based management. These patients are either referred directly by their GPs or transferred from Wexford General Hospital (WGH) - if deemed appropriate for community care.
Additionally, patients now have access to community-based programmes that were traditionally hospital-based, including Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation and the Discover Diabetes Programme. These programmes equip patients with education, self-management strategies and support to prevent disease progression and reduce hospital admissions.
Among the guest speakers at the event in Enniscorthy were Dr Sarah O’Brien, National Clinical Lead, Integrated Care Programme for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease, and Paul Goff, Acting Head of Service, Primary Care, HSE Dublin and South East.
Welcoming everyone to the event, Professor Colm Quigley, Integrated Respiratory Care Consultant, explained that “in line with Sláintecare and the HSE’s Enhanced Community Care Programme, the Integrated Care Programme for Chronic Disease aims to implement a seamless, patient-centred model of care that ensures individuals receive treatment at the lowest level of complexity that is safe, timely, efficient, and as close to home as possible.
“Notably, 64.8% of individuals over-65 live with co-morbidity, meaning they manage two or more chronic illnesses. The Integrated Model of Care for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease is designed to provide a comprehensive, end-to-end care pathway, emphasising prevention, early diagnosis, and proactive management of chronic diseases and their associated complications.
“We have gone from strength to strength in those regards here in Co Wexford. Last year, our Chronic Disease Clinical Specialist Team recorded 11,560 direct patient contacts in the community. With additional resources, this number is expected to grow significantly over the next year, further enhancing access to high-quality, community-based chronic disease management.”
Folklore project engages care centre residents in Enniscorthy
“The residents and staff love to see Michael come in. In between his visits, it’s a topic of conversation – residents try to keep in mind a little phrase or a story to relate or discuss upon the next engagement, according to Mary Fox, Nurse Activities Co-ordinator at St John’s Community Hospital (SJCH), Enniscorthy, speaking about the ongoing collection of folklore material in Co Wexford that is currently being featured in the activities programme of a HSE residential care centre in the county, involving artist and filmmaker Michael Fortune.
State of the art new mental health facility opened in Dungarvan
“Today is a landmark day for mental health services across Waterford and particularly here in Dungarvan and the west of the county,” according to Minister of State with responsibility for Mental Health, Mary Butler TD, speaking at the official opening of the new facility in recent weeks.