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Donegal event highlights importance of safeguarding


“Safeguarding means putting measures in place to uphold the rights of citizens to support their health and wellbeing, to reduce their risk of harm, and to empower people to protect ourselves,” according to Edel Quinn, Head of Service for Disability Services Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo, speaking as Donegal Disability Services recently held its second annual Safeguarding Awareness Event.

Noting that “while it can be challenging for any person,” Edel explained that “when an adult has vulnerabilities, safeguarding often involves the adults with their families, services and professionals all working together to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect or coercive control.”

Coinciding with Adult Safeguarding Day, Edel further outlined how the overall project aimed to raise a greater understanding of adult abuse and safeguarding and to empower people to protect themselves. These aims, she said, were “reflected at the event – providing adults with an intellectual disability and their families with the opportunity to get advice and to speak with, or be signposted to, other relevant services and stakeholders.”

The event was an interagency initiative organised by Donegal Disability Services and attended by staff from HSE Disability Services, the Adult Safeguarding and Protection Team, An Garda Síochana, Cara House, Donegal Domestic Violence Service, SAGE, PTSB, Special Olympics, Citizens Advice and the Credit Union.

Considered successful, the event saw over 200 people in attendance, including adults with disabilities, their families, staff from other services and members of the public attending on the day. According to Edel, the feedback from attendees and services was “positive”, adding that it was “noted that the event was an example of the importance of promoting an individual’s rights.” She added that “Donegal Disability Services would like to thank anyone who attended the event for their support and to thank them for their commitment to the promotion of the appropriate safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults.”

Anyone with concerns regarding adult abuse and who wants further information on safeguarding can visit the Safeguarding Ireland website on