The Health Service Executive (HSE) is a large organisation of over 100,000 people, whose job is to run all of the public health services in Ireland. The HSE manages services through a structure designed to put patients and clients at the centre of the organisation.
The HSE Code of Governance (PDF) provides an overview of the principles, policies, procedures and guidelines by which the HSE directs and controls its functions and manages its business, it is intended to guide the Directorate, leadership Team and all those working within the HSE and the agencies funded by the HSE, in performing their duties to the highest standards of accountability, integrity and propriety.
The HSE Code of Governance was first approved by the Minister for Health and Children in 2007. The Code has been reviewed and updated in line with best practice and to ensure it meets the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State bodies (2009). The revised Code was approved by the Minster for Health in December 2015.
The HSE has four Regional Health Forums, which includes representatives from the city and county councils within that area.
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