This page includes example Nurse/Midwife Specialist and AN/MP job specifications.
Many jobs in the HSE have agreed eligibility criteria. They set the minimum entry-level requirements to be eligible to apply for a post. You must use the agreed national eligibility criteria when you are developing job specifications.
Use the Job Specification Template to develop your specific job specification after you have identified the duties and responsibilities of the role. The writing a job specification guidance can help you do this.
Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner 2267 2270 2269 2271 2268
Registered Advanced Midwife Practitioner 2535
Clinical Nurse / Midwife Specialist 2632 2626 2628 2625 2627 2313
Candidate Clinical Nurse / Midwife Specialist 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700