Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

What is Individual Placement and Support (IPS)?

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a specific approach developed to support people who use mental health services to source and maintain paid, mainstream employment. IPS is a service run by the Community Mental Health Service in collaboration with South Dublin County Partnership. 

IPS is based on eight evidence based principles:

  1. It aims to get people into paid employment in the open labour market.
  2. It is open to all those who want to work. There are no exclusions based on diagnosis, health condition or benefits claimed.
  3. It tries to find jobs consistent with people’s preferences.
  4. It works quickly. The job search starts within four weeks, even if a person has been off work for years.
  5. The employment specialist is embedded in the clinical team so that the person can have the support of their mental health professionals in their return to work.
  6. Employment specialists develop relationships with employers based on a person’s work preferences; not based on who happens to have jobs.
  7. It provides ongoing, individualised support for the person and their employer. Helping people to keep their jobs at difficult times.
  8. Benefits counselling is included so no one is made worse off by participating.

Who can be referred to IPS?

Many people who have experienced a mental health condition want to work, yet some may face significant barriers when they try to get a job. IPS is open to anybody who uses the community mental health service who wishes to have a job, but needs some support to do so.

How can I be referred?

The service is advertised in our clinics and services. You can request to be referred. Any member of the team can refer you.

Who will I meet on my first visit?

You will meet with an Employment Specialist who works with the Community Mental Health Team. 

Do I need to bring anything to my first appointment?

If you have a CV old or new bring it along (but don’t worry if you haven’t got one) and some form of ID and proof of address. E.g. utility bill

Should I bring anybody else with me?

There is no need to bring anyone else along with you. However if you would like to bring someone they would be welcome.

What should I expect on my first visit?

The employment specialist will meet with you for about an hour, tell you about IPS and start the process of looking for work.

What kinds of questions will the IPS specialist ask?

Questions will include

  • your previous experience of work
  • work goals 
  • what motivates you to want to work
  • social welfare payment
  • entitlements on commencing paid employment
  • your mental health 

You are also free to ask the employment specialist questions or concerns that you may have about the process

What happens next?

The first steps can take up to three or four sessions. We will work on up-dating your CV, preparation for interview and commence active job search and job applications. We aim to start your job search in the first four weeks

What is hoped to be achieved?

To find and keep a paid job that you are happy with.

Do employment specialists work with employers?

Yes, but only if you give us your permission. We can help employers find suitable roles for you or understand your mental health needs.

How long will I see the Employment Specialist for?

You can continue with IPS supports for as long as you need. 

Is there a waiting list?

Yes. There sometimes is a waiting list. The employment specialist can work with a maximum of 20 people at one time. 

What should I do if I know I can’t make an appointment?

Give your employment specialist a call or text. You will be give their number on your first appointment letter. A new appointment will be made for you.

Where can I find out more?

Please contact the employment specialist or occupational therapist.