Therapy Services in Meath

Occupational Therapy
These services are provided to people who through illness or disability are in need of support or changes to their lifestyle.  Occupational Therapists can advise on any changes that may be needed in the home to support a person with special needs, and on activities that will help a person to regain their independence.

Medical Card Holders are entitled to Opthalmic or Eye Testing Services.

Community Physiotherapy services are provided from the Local Health Office, helping people who have suffered an injury or illness to regain their health or mobility through exercise and movement. 

Speech and Language Therapy
Services are provided for children and adults who need help developing their speech or who have had difficulty in this area. 

We provide Speech and Language Therapy services to people who live in Meath. We work with people of all ages.

We work together with other agencies to give you a good service.

Information for Service Users
Referral Forms
Contact details
Cancelling or changing appointments
Change of contact details
First appointment
Working with schools and other agencies
Opening hours
Feedback, compliments and complaints
Protection of children and vulnerable people
Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Who can use the service?

People who have a difficulty or query with:

  • speech
  • language
  • communication
  • swallowing
  • voice

You can use the service if you live in Meath. We work with people of all ages.

How can I use the service?

We have different teams in our Department. Each team has a form for new clients. This form is called a referral form. You have to fill in a referral form to use the service.

There are 5 teams in our service:

Primary Community and Continuing Care (PCCC)

For children and adults who have difficulties in speech, language or communication.

Acute Services

For adults who are admitted to Navan Hospital. Your doctor will contact us if you need this service in the hospital.

Meath (6-18 years) Child Development Team

For young people who have a disability. The young person has to be between 6 and 18 years old.

Some young people have a functional disability. This means that they have many difficulties in everyday life. Young people with a functional disability can also use this service.

Meath (6-18 years) Child Development Team Referral Form (doc)

We also see:                            

  • Students in the Special Schools in Meath (St. Ultan’s and St. Mary’s, Navan)
  • Students in the Language Classes in Meath  (Trim, Navan)

Enable Ireland see younger children. They see children between 0 and 6 years old.

Phone: 046 909 2530

Meath Adult Disability Service

For adults between 18 and 65 years old who have a disability.

Meath Adult Disability Service Referral Form (doc)

Services for Older People

For adults who are over 65 years old

Services for Older People Referral form (doc)

Who can send in a referral form?

You can fill in the form and send it to us. Another person can fill in the form for you, if you wish. For example:

  • your doctor
  • your child’s teacher
  • your child’s psychologist

It is important that you sign the form. When you sign the form, you give us permission to use your information.

Services for Older People: A doctor or another professional should also sign the form.

What do you do with referral forms?

We read the referral form when it arrives. We make sure that each referral form goes to the right team.

We send a letter to say that we received the referral form. The letter goes to the person who filled in the form. We send a copy of the letter to the parents if the client is under 18. We will tell you how long you will be waiting approximately.

Sometimes we will ask you to send us more information.

We can pass on a form to a different team in the service, if that team is better for your needs.

Sometimes we refuse a referral. If we refuse it, we will explain why. We will send a letter to the person who filled in the form to explain.

How long do I have to wait?

New people go on a waiting list. Our waiting times are not always the same. It depends on different things, like:

  • how many staff we have
  • how many people want to use the service

We try to keep our waiting times as short as possible. We want our waiting time to be 3 months or less.

Where will my appointments be?

Your appointment will be in a health centre or hospital in Meath. We will pick a place as close as possible to your home. Children who go to a language class or special school will have their appointments in the school.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost. The service is free.

What do I do if I have a question?

For general questions you can call 046 907 8861

These are the contact details for each team:

Meath (6-18 years) Child Development Team Call   046-9091400
Bailis Resource Centre,
Johnstown, Navan,
Co. Meath

Meath Adult Disability Service

(18-65 years)

Call  046-9067002
HSE Community Team Offices,
Beechmount Home Park,
Co. Meath
Services for Older People Call Speech and Language Therapist
Primary Care Call Speech and Language
Therapy Department
Tel: 046 907 8861
Acute Services Call Speech and Language Therapist,
Our Lady’s Hospital
Tel: 046 907 8559

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Your First Appointment

We will send you a letter with the details of your first appointment. If we have an appointment for you at short notice, we will phone you.

The letter will have our number on it. If the appointment does not suit you, please call us to change it.

Some clinics have a partial booking system. For this system, we ask you to phone the secretary. The secretary will tell you when there are free appointments. You can pick the appointment that suits you most.

What happens in the first appointment?

The speech and language therapist will ask some questions about the client. This is called the initial interview.

You can tell the speech and language therapist your concerns about:

  • speech
  • language
  • communication
  • swallowing
  • voice

The appointment normally lasts 30 – 60 minutes. It depends on the age of the client and the client's abilities.

The first appointment usually lasts longer than other appointments because of the initial interview.

Sometimes we carry out an assessment with the client. An assessment is a type of test. It gives us more information on how we can help a client.

We will ask you what you want to achieve in therapy. We decide together which goals you want to achieve.

We like parents/carers to stay in the clinic during appointments. It makes it easier to discuss what we are doing. You can ask questions and you can see or take part in the work we do.

For children: Sometimes, parents wait outside if it is helpful for the child. If you prefer to wait outside, please talk to us when you come for your appointment.

For adults: We will ask the client what he/she prefers. Some clients prefer to attend alone. Other clients prefer to have someone with them.

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How do I cancel or change an appointment?

You should contact your clinic as early as possible. We will offer you the next appointment we have. When you contact us early, we can offer the appointment to another person.

If the client is sick, do not come to the clinic. You should call us and ask for a new appointment.

Clients who do not attend appointments

If you do not attend an appointment and do not contact us to let us know, we will send you a letter.

You have to contact the clinic within 2 weeks.

If you do not contact us, we will discharge the client from the service.

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Change of Address or Phone Number

Please let us know if you change your address or phone number. It is important that you tell us, so that we can contact you.

Working with Schools and other Agencies

We will ask for your permission to work with a school or another agency, when it is helpful for the client.

We look for information about speech, language, communication or swallowing. We give information or advice when it is useful for the client.

If you do not want us to contact the school or another agency, please tell us as soon as possible.

Opening Hours

The Speech and Language Therapy Department is open:

Monday -Friday         9am to 5pm

Saturday                 Closed

Sunday                    Closed

Feedback, Compliments and Complaints

You are welcome to give us feedback at any time.

You can:

  • contact any of our staff
  • contact a Complaints Officer in our region,
  • contact an advocacy group
  • contact by email or telephone.

Read more about providing feedback

Protection of Children and Vulnerable People

We have a duty to make sure that our clients are well and safe. We have a duty towards children and vulnerable people. Vulnerable people are people who need help to make sure they are not abused. For example, a person with a learning disability is a vulnerable person.

Staff who work with children receive training called Children First. Staff who work with adults have special guidelines to follow.

If we are concerned about a client, we have to follow these guidelines.

If you want to learn more about these guidelines, you can look at these websites:

Data Protection and Freedom of Information

We hold some information about you in our files and computers (e.g. your contact details, your reports). We work hard to make sure that we keep your information private and safe. There are 2 laws to protect you and give you rights. These laws are:

  • Data Protection Law
  • Freedom of Information Law

Find out more about your rights